non-profit mini artisan sourdough bread house.

📍 Beechworth, Victoria, Australia

Donations are welcome

Welcome Friends!

Blessing Bread is a NFP (not for profit) mini artisan sourdough bread house that has a bigger mission of blessing bread to all; regardless of life led, income, or spiritual belief - Recollecting unity & community in breaking bread & the development of a sacred, life giving communion.

Blessing bread to us means it is free for you (no charge). Although donations are always appreciated for baking supplies and to make and bake more sourdough bread to bless many others within the community - but there is most definitely no obligation.

Blessing Bread’s Mission~

In a modern day world where life can at times feel fast and far from blissful - Blessing Bread is blessing you (free or donation) with an old world staple that has for thousands of years bought everyone so much joy, unity, community and connection - both physically and spiritually.

Sourdough bread is not just a culinary staple; it represents a bridge between the past and present, connecting modern day to the spiritual and communal practices of ancient past.

As Blessing Bread continues to share and bless those with our Sourdough, the Sourdough encapsulates the essence of tradition, resilience, and the transformative power of food. Through this blessing, we are reminded of the profound ties that bind us to our history, culture, spirituality, and the simple yet profound act of breaking bread together.

The ancient significance of bread, is one from Jesus’ teachings, AD 27.

Used as both a spiritual and an actual physical food to feed the multitudes (Matthew 14:17-19), creating unity and community, regardless of life led or spiritual belief.

“And they said to Him (Jesus), "We have here only five loaves and two fish." He (Jesus) said, "Bring them here to Me." Then He commanded the multitudes to sit down on the grass. And He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, He blessed and broke and gave the loaves to the disciples; and the disciples gave to the multitudes.” - Matthew 14:17-19

Most importantly; Jesus broke, blessed and consecrated the bread during the Last Supper to be transformed (transubstantiation) as the literal presence of His body - “Take, eat; this is my body.” (Matthew 26:26-28). Even though the physical appearance of the bread stays the same, spiritually the whole Christ is present in the consecrated host (bread) just as Jesus proclaimed as so.

As humans, we often reflect on our earthly experience and existence. Blessing Bread’s mission here is also to remind you of your Creator, and how wonderful and important you truly are.

Everywhere we look proves the presence and existence of a Creator - in both creation and humanity.

Archaeological excavations have shown and proven the life of Jesus and His earthly ministry, and being that bread is the oldest food on earth, it just makes sense that bread has been used with a deep and profound physical and spiritual significance.

Bread is delicious, and like we would not want to live life without it - we as humans cannot truly survive and represent ourselves as whole without the connection of our One and Only True Living God - our Creator, Jesus Christ.

For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world." Then they said to Him, "Lord, give us this bread always." And Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst. - John 6: 33-35.

In this…

It is with so much joy that we at Blessing Bread are blessing you with the opportunity to accept Jesus into your heart and life - sharing with you the Good News! - that Jesus Christ is alive in Spirit and wants to have a relationship with you.

Jesus lived a perfect life, took on all sin and died for the sins of humanity, was buried and resurrected from the dead, proving He truly is God in the flesh. Defeating all sin and death, and has the power to forgive all sinners, both you and I.

God loves you and has used Blessing Bread as an opportunity to share His love with you over this beautiful artisan sourdough bread.

Whether you decide to believe in Jesus as your Lord and Saviour or not, you are very welcome to share in this blessing of our artisan sourdough bread regardless; And please know that you are truly loved by a perfect Creator, that pottered you perfectly.

Enjoy in the blessing of our artisan sourdough bread.

Live out love. Pass it on x

Soli Deo Gloria!

Blessing /ˈblɛsɪŋ/ noun: blessing; plural noun: blessings - God's favour and protection. "may God continue to give us His blessing".

Blessing /ˈblɛsɪŋ/ noun: blessing; plural noun: blessings - God's favour and protection. "may God continue to give us His blessing".

"Let us not forget

that Jesus not only suffered, but also rose in glory; so, too, we go to the glory of the resurrection by the way of suffering and the Cross"

-Saint Maximilian Kolbe